
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

To the first point: no. There is no wide-spread hunger yet. People on the very low end of the income scale are suffering and many are homeless, but that's not what the majority of the people experience. The middle class currently mostly takes hits to their savings or to their comfort, but they still have a roof over their heads and they still don't suffer hunger.

To the second point, I can only speculate. I think the EU has a rather stable system. Individual countries might shift to the left or right, but the whole system of the EU is made to prevent anything really bad. Secession from the EU is something that no current member state of the EU can afford and after Brexit not even rightwing extremists want to seriously leave the EU.

The USA isn't setup nearly as stable, since they are still running one of the earliest democratic systems in the world. I see two (not mutually exclusive) options there.

  • A republican dictatorship, which is not too difficult for them, because all you really need is the president and the surpreme court being corrupt enough to want that power.
  • Secession of multipe states. Texas is testing the waters, and if they actually seceede, other states might follow. This might either lead to a new edition of the civil war, or multiple rogue nations with nukes. Either way, the USA's status as an economic and military superpower would be gone. This again would destabilize Europe, since the EU currently doesn't have the military power to defend itself without NATO. What will happen from there on is anyone's guess.
[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You lost your job? Your wife an away with the post man? You are just grumpy?

Go splash the Mona Lisa's glass and all your troubles go away!

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

@[email protected] draw for me Soup with Mona Lisa splashed on it. The soup is enjoying the Mona Lisa and the Mona Lisa is very tasty.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 1 year ago (3 children)

That might sadly be true.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Now this is getting ridiculous.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

That would indeed be very helpful. But if all the other usages keep draining the supply, it will only help extend artificial reserves.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

That happens if you don't have an actual legal team... I am sure they are doing their best, but if you don't have a lawyer, you can't do legal texts.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

And you are not getting the point. Every method of killing people is terrible and inhumane. There is no humane way of killing people, because the very act of killing people is inhumane.

The only humane method is one that doesn't kill or harm people.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Stuff only becomes valuable when it's mostly gone...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

All of these happened in the wake of major crises.

Apartheit in South Africa ended, because of massive protests in the country (including violence), massive international pressure (the UN labelled apartheit as crime against humanity and lots of countries banned imports from South Africa), and the South African economy was collapsing due the price of gold dropping a lot.

East Germany collapsed because of massive economic problems. Storming the border crossings was just the last push. If that would have happened 10 years earlier, the police would just have shot the first row of people trying to cross the border and the rest would have fled. The DDR was already collapsing at that point. And the press conference that caused the storm on the border crossing was actually about East Germany opening the border in a month's time. So even without the storm on the border crossings, the same thing would have happend, just a month later.

The Sovjet Union, again, collapsed due to economic problems. Their economiy completely collapsed and with it their power over all the different SSRs. Russia, being the largest and most powerful SSR, being able declaring itself independent of all these other countries that really didn't want to be part of the USSR without having to use violence is really not surprising.

It's kinda as if Great Brittain declared itself independent of the Brittish Empire.

All these situations you mentioned where already under way for a decade or so, before the events you mentioned did the last push. And all of them where only possible to massive crises.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

A Fairphone 4. Got it at launch and it's a terribly buggy mess.

Describing all the issues would make a huge wall of text.

The sad part is that the hardware is ok. But they don't seem to have any software QA at all.

My goal was to carry it until 2027, when replacable batteries will become standard, but since I can't even use the phone for calling, I am trying to at least carry it until the Galaxy S55 launches.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I got the 6 million from this link: https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/helium-gas-market-578

The issue is not how much can be produced right now, but the rate at which we are depleting it.

I found different estimates on how long earth's helium supply will last, and most of them are between 10 and 100 years. That's not a long time, considering that it means we will lose access to a whole element.


Everybody should host their own instance of the SquareModBot with their own rules, and the challenge is to figure out what the rules are and post a post/comment that doesn't violate the rules of any bot.


geteilt von: https://feddit.de/post/1728805

I made a simple mod bot for Lemmy.

It's still "early access", but it's stable and should be fit for everyday use.

I'd be really happy to get some feedback on what kind of features mods would like to see.

If you want to try it in action, go to [email protected]. That's the testing community where it currently filters posts with duplicate URLs, same as mentions of Reddit, Lego and other beings-who-must-not-be-named. Feel free to post stuff there and see it get automatically moderated.


geteilt von: https://feddit.de/post/1728805

I made a simple mod bot for Lemmy.

It's still "early access", but it's stable and should be fit for everyday use.

I'd be really happy to get some feedback on what kind of features mods would like to see.

If you want to try it in action, go to [email protected]. That's the testing community where it currently filters posts with duplicate URLs, same as mentions of Reddit, Lego and other beings-who-must-not-be-named. Feel free to post stuff there and see it get automatically moderated.


Ich hab einen Mod Bot geschrieben, der nach konfigurierbaren Regeln konfigurierbare Aktionen automatisch ausführt. Für feddit.de habe ich den auch selbst gehostet. Für andere Instanzen muss ich noch schauen, wie ich dort mach, mal sehen.

Der Code ist auf Github verfügbar. Wer den Mod Bot verwenden will, kann entweder selbst einen Bot-Account erstellen und den Bot irgendwo laufen lassen (braucht quasi keine Ressourcen, rennt bequem auf einem Pi Zero oder einem alten Handy), oder Square_Mod_Bot zum Moderator in der Community machen und mir die Config per PN schicken.

Ich kann auch gerne helfen beim Erstellen einer Config.

Der Bot ist aktuell im Early Access, funktioniert aber stabil. Ich könnte noch Input gebrauchen, welche Trigger/Aktionen oder weitere Features sinnvoll wären.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I made a simple mod bot for Lemmy.

It's still "early access", but it's stable and should be fit for everyday use.

I'd be really happy to get some feedback on what kind of features mods would like to see.

If you want to try it in action, go to [email protected]. That's the testing community where it currently filters posts with duplicate URLs, same as mentions of Reddit, Lego and other beings-who-must-not-be-named. Feel free to post stuff there and see it get automatically moderated.

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