It's not a matter of fear. It's a matter of not being able to get the votes. It's not a simple majority to make a major change like that and it should not be.
joined 2 years ago
And thank you government for allowing the continued sale of all power to the highest bidder because of your refusal to punish open bribery.
Not much of that matters if you can't get 2/3 of the states to get in line with your re-write and we can't get 2/3 of the people to agree on anything. Also, there is a wide swath of opinion between what you call "gun nuts" and what other people call "common sense laws." Very few people are arguing that "any moron with a pulse" should have a gun.
Yes - if you don't hate hate then you are to be hated.
One of them would be only slightly worse, but the loser would be better by a larger delta.