
joined 3 months ago
[–] -3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

oh you poor child of summer

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

If we didn't have the right to be forgotten, does that mean records of us would always exist? Or that we would have no privacy?

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Please leave final fantasy tactics alone.

[–] 21 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I hate this this happened but I love that you are aware of it. There should be a consciousness around this.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Is it one person posting these, or multiple accounts? It might be a new guy. Maybe he thinks he has to get his karma up before he can enjoy the full site.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I need to get some painting done in my living room.. been putting it off for months. Still have gallons of paint sitting here

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I forgot about the X-Files!

[–] 18 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Playing with my cat on my bed. I'm dangling a string and she's chasing it around. She's happy. No fear at all. I'm so proud of myself that I'm able to give this tiny creature a good life, happy and warm, and that she trusts me.

[–] -1 points 2 weeks ago

Wonderful! But WHY is she quoting Richard Reeves? That was my question, after all.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago

why the attractive young white guy?


Personally I'm looking forward to a sober holiday season. I'm white knuckling it. But already leagues above where I'd be if I were still in it. So I'm grateful and looking forward to a happy season. What about you


Let's say I'm curious about a topic and I want to find a community dedicated to it. I want to search all instances for a community by that name. Is there a feature that allows it?


Me: there's a fire in my house! Please abolish it!

Fireman: Ok, we're ready! What are you going to replace it with?

Me: what

Fireman: The fire. What are you going to replace it with? Fire has a purpose, you know, you can't just remove it. The combustion that powers your car engine, that's fire. And the fire in my woodstove heats my house and keeps my family warm. Fire is doing what it's supposed to be doing, and in the correct place, at the correct time.

Me: It's destroying my home. Please abolish it.

Fireman: Do you even know what fire is LOL fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in a self-sustaining chemical reaction, do you REALLY think you can just abolish that? Do you even know what you're talking about?

Me: I'm fine with it existing just not in my house right now.

House: destroyed

Fireman: Why didn't you give me a valid replacement??? We could have helped you.


I was excited to see her finally use her ability, but she just floated around inside the back of the car with a dagger in her hand while music played. It was disappointing. Everyone else was hyped

Later there was a big black panther who loved me and wanted to play. He was like a big puppy. I was terrified.

A mouse creature trapped under some branches? or rocks? that we wanted to catch. The guy in charge was covered with caustic black ink; he pointed to one of the jets to warn me that the mouse was dangerous.

  1. Create a windy, snowy coal mine
  2. now set it on fire lol

They were chanting at me "your brother is dead" but I knew they were lying, I woke up making fun of them to their faces. "Oh noooo" dramatically, like I was calling them on their bullshit. Awful start to the day.


A friend is joining Lemmy and I want to give them my subscriptions so they see a lot of content. How do I send these?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Great twist, enjoyable use of the horror genre, good acting

Here's what bothered me though.

With all the talk about God, there's never any mention of vampires' souls.

We see the human die and come back as a vampire. And when a person dies their soul leaves their body.

So do these vampires have souls or not? And if not, why do they still act so human? One of the characters even says, "[becoming a vampire] doesn't change who you are." but bro, it's a series about death and the afterlife, and you're saying that undead creatures with no soul behave the same as they did in life?

It feels like a huge swing and a miss in terms of horror potential: imagine seeing the uncanny valley effect of a person who used to be your friend, suddenly without their soul. It would have fit the theme so well and I'm devastated it was never brought up.


a few major loopholes in the last few episodes:

  1. The sherrif's son turns, then helps his human father get to the beach. It's a long walk, and the son is helping his injured father. But no terrible "I'm going to drink your blood even though you're my family" moment the way we see in every other vampire. Why does this kid act so differently?

  2. None of the vampires try to hide from the sun in the end. Literally every one of them stands on the beach singing. Lol what the fuck. They're so driven by need that they're eating their loved ones, but they're all going to stand upright and burn to death while singing hymns?

  3. "You're not a good person Bev. God doesn’t love you more than he loves anyone else. You aren’t ... a victim." This is supposed to be a social justice scene where the bitch finally gets told off. But the complaints are how Bev acted in church, her attitude towards God, her arrogance. Not the fact that she's standing there with a molotov burning people's houses down so she can drink their blood lol.

Sorry to vent here, I'm just tired of being let down by lazy writing.


How do I see all posts in all communities on a server?


It's night and I'm walking on the street with other people, frustrated and scared. I'm responsible for crafting enemies and I don't want to create something I can't beat. The people walking with me are enemies too. I'm giving out chocolates (Rollo?) which has something to do with it.


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