
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

If you really don't want to deal with sideloading, Jellyfin can be accessed through an add on in Kodi (assuming Kodi is easily installable on the TV)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I would recommend Anarchy by Errico Malatesta as a much more readable alternative to the conquest of bread. - Anarchy - Conquest of Bread

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Look, I get that not voting isn't the answer and have voted democrat in every election of my life. "Those that didn't vote are considered unreliable voters and removed from who the party decides to represent in their policies." But this isn't true. The Democrats dont ignore leftists because they refuse to vote democrat. The Democratics ignore leftist because they feel entitled to the vote, that leftists have no where else to go and that they should instead pander to conservatives who would otherwise vote Republican. This is literally just disenfranchizing your own base.

And frankly I don't see anyway to fix that, cause you're right that the Dems will look at leftist whose support they lost and decide it means that they should instead find support from republicans. But passing the blame off of the party and unto the people they failed to represent just doesn't work, it isn't going to convince anyone to come back to them.

"To add to the above, leftists refusing to even try to transform the Democratic party puts all of us in a precarious position due to economic (neo)liberals history of consistently siding with fascists." i mean, leftist have tried (and continue to try) to transform the Democratic party, it just doesn't work. Coopting and destroying left wing movements is like the only thing the Democratic party is actually competent at. Like (literally) every single mass political movement in my living memory has been taken in and destroyed by the Democratic party, because they feel entitled to speak for us.

I don't know an easy solution for this, but voting blue isn't it. I'll still vote for them next election (if it happens) but we can't delude ourselves into thinking that they are going to help. If we want the USA to make it out of fascism, we need to be building political power outside of the Democratic party

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

"Every election in my lifetime has resulted in worsening of the human condition because "protest (non-)voters" can't be bothered to consider the most elementary examples of cause and effect" You say this as if the Democratic party hasn't run with exact same strategy the entire time. A strategy that doesn't work. Followed by yelling at people for not loving them enough (which has also never worked) and doing nothing to address there own shortcomings. They (rightfully) pointed out the bigotry of American conservatives, and then run a campaign to court this vote and alienate they people they claim as there base. And pick Kamala Harris as the candidate, as conservatives would ever vote for a black woman. Blindly electing democrats for running as blue team is what got us here, it is not going to get us out of it.