Being a profiteering asshole?
A narrowed focus is exactly what Mozilla needs.
Develop a browser and participate in web standards. That’s literally all they need and should do.
They can. But maintaining a modern browser engine is a MAJOR piece of work especially when there’s already another open source browser (Chromium) that is sucking in maintainers.
Firefox is dying. I’ve been a loyal user since Phoenix days but there is just no road forward. Many websites now don’t test for it. It’s in a slow death spiral. Such a shame.
Sikke noget lort. Hvem fanden gør sådan noget?!
Når det så er sagt, arbejder du i Twin Peaks?
FWIW, it’s actually more the publishers’ fault. Typically as a developer you get told what environment you’re targeting and how the publisher wishes to publish you.
Congrats, even this you managed to turn into a class struggle.
And no more than 3 people (the hard core community long timers) can have a conversation at the same time because heaven forbid we use threads.
Just wait; in 2 weeks the extension to break this will be in both chrome and Firefox store.
How dare you come here with your happiness, social safety net and psychological safety, you dirty European. What is the GDP per capita of a European?! Can’t you see they’re having a much worse life than we Americans are?!
Much hustle. Wow.
How long is a piece of string?
Rebuilding always takes a lot longer than you think. Refactoring always takes a lot longer than you think. I’ve been involved in failures and successes doing either.