
joined 2 years ago
[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago

I notice the 55 and older menu. Save some money!

[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 7 points 3 weeks ago

That dude is super serious. The look he's giving the camera in the last one made me look away


I can't abide the red uniform but the rest checks out.

[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 9 points 3 months ago

I finally managed to cut back and this latest catastrophe has me eyeing the bottle again.

[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Nice pic! I’ve always played 10000 with 6 dice.

[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 6 points 8 months ago

Biden would have been better off skipping all the events and say he can't validate Trump's candidacy with a debate. He's a felon and being tried for crimes unbecoming a president. But now it's all blown up in his face.

I really don't think the debate changed any minds, but it did energize one side and depress the other. I doubt that energy can be sustained, attention span is very fleeting.

[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 17 points 9 months ago

Boy that's pretty brazen. Quite a pair of... Oh yes, quite the pair indeed!

[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

Really impressive flying. I feel like I'd overshoot because of over-correction but these pros got it nailed down.

[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago
[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago

An even better reason than claiming drought:

'The additional revenue will be used to “cover the costs of importing and treating water, as well as finance climate change adaptations to infrastructure and make up for declines in revenue due to widespread conservation efforts,” according to the Times.'

Yes.. All that conservation we did (if you did of course), earned us more expensive water.


[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 15 points 10 months ago (1 children)

A rate hike is coming despite the good news.

[–] swade2569@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago

Mod on lemmy, mod on reddit...


Hope you find yourself abiding, taking it easy, and keeping your mind limber.


Whipped up a new to me cocktail tonight:

Pomegranate Margarita

2 Reposado Tequila 1.5 Triple Sec .5 pomegranate molasses 1.5 lime juice (fresh) 2 water

At least a 10 oz glass with salted rim 3-4 ice cubes All ingredients in a shaker cup Stir for 30 seconds Strain into glass



Special Lady Friend The Bosom of the Ocean We Takes the Money


It's not really a haiku because I forgot I was doing that, but I liked how it turned out.


We're not here to see through each other...

We're here to see each other through, man.

Dude (lemmy.world)

This Dude art and others are found on the Dudeism Discord.


Happy InDudependence day dudes. While Americans observe this day to celebrate their victory over their British overlords, Dudeists use this holiday to affirm their psychological independence from any powers-that-be. Slavishly following any cause, flag or ideology (including that of Dudeism) is dangerous and hampers personal growth. Our indudependence brings us together.

The Dude Abides

PS: This content thanks to Rev.Redneck of the Dudeism Discord!


"And like the road not taken, it was the fcks not given that made all the difference." - The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fck


“He who doesn’t remember much from college, Learns to live on his allowance.

He who digs Dudeism deeply,

Does not become a fucking fascist.

Dudeists follow 2500 years of beautiful tradition,

Pooling resources, flowing far, freeing spirits.

Cultivate love in the true sense of the word, 

And you won’t need to scam anyone here.

Care about the rug in your residence, 

And it will tie everything together.

Create camaraderie among the bowling team, 

And you’ll enter the next round robin.

Fit right in to your time and place, 

And you’ll be in a unique position.

Know a residence by its renter,
Know a bowler by its team,
Know a team by its league,
Know a league by its lanes,
Know the lanes by its location,
Know a location by loving it, in the true sense of the word.
How can I enter a world of no-pain?
By loving the world,
Even when it’s full of goddamn morons.”

Excerpt From The Dude De Ching - Free Edition Oliver Benjamin


Perhaps he was not a Dudeist in total, but this passage calls to me as a way to describe abiding.

Knowing you're gonna run into some reactionaries when you head out into the world and steel yourself to abide; pretty good advice I think.

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