That dude is super serious. The look he's giving the camera in the last one made me look away
Biden would have been better off skipping all the events and say he can't validate Trump's candidacy with a debate. He's a felon and being tried for crimes unbecoming a president. But now it's all blown up in his face.
I really don't think the debate changed any minds, but it did energize one side and depress the other. I doubt that energy can be sustained, attention span is very fleeting.
An even better reason than claiming drought:
'The additional revenue will be used to “cover the costs of importing and treating water, as well as finance climate change adaptations to infrastructure and make up for declines in revenue due to widespread conservation efforts,” according to the Times.'
Yes.. All that conservation we did (if you did of course), earned us more expensive water.
I notice the 55 and older menu. Save some money!