True. It was difficult to tell where they were are on the track at any given moment. Nothing particularly distinct at any corner except the strip in the background
Perez was soooooo surprised
Everything has gone to shit quicker than the predictions
People are using AI tools to do crazy stuff with music right now. It's pretty great
Human performance but AI voice:
Carl Wheezer covers:
Torx screws and threaded inserts is not really that much effort engineering side.
It has more significant impact on the cost. Millions of torx screws and threaded inserts cost more than self tapping Phillips into plastic.
I bought this game on Epic because at launch, that's the only place you can buy it. At least being officially on Steam now. I can more easily pirate it to bypass the epic games store and will be able to run it just fine offline anywhere.
I guess that's okay. I wish there were an automatic process
So I already got the chip to Mr House. I put up with NCR I suppose. But I do enjoy the Boomers
I'm playing Fallout New Vegas properly for the first time. Started not too long after Starfield released and I've been really enjoying myself
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That is a twizzly stick