They are both scourges without each other
It was great seeing 3PO and watching Kung Fu
Thrawn as always is so insidious and it always makes the heroes feeling confused and somewhat unsatisfied with the victory.
We'll just have to see if they can make it to the Star Destroyer in time and somehow hitch a ride. Or will they have to wait for space whales in the end again. Although I doubt they'd want to visit anytime soon.
You're not wrong
Definitely drains my battery less if I don't have to speak to a cashier
Any apps that use local files!
I use it with Logseq for my notes, I sync the camera for my photos, and with Keepass for my passwords
Edit: I guess Vinyl Record Player for my music as well, librera reader for my ebooks, and I'm trying AudioAnchor for my audio books (but I'm not really happy with this one and I'm going to try to find a different app)
I watched this the other day and really enjoyed it. I almost watched it with nostalgia even though it's brand new, because I knew as a kid, I would have asked my mom to play it over and over and over again.
I think often needs to be bolded there.
I agree with him, but I don't think I was toxic about it or even really intended to be toxic.
I do not browse Reddit casually anymore. Google takes me there occasionally because there is still useful specific information there.
But otherwise I'm all onboard with Lemmy now.
The world keeps spinning either way
I don't know if that is better or worse
You can sync the subscription file between Freetube and NewPipe?