This time we are even starting early, only not sure if it will be bird flu, ebola or turbeculosis.
He never denied it.
Would love if it would go to trial (he will make sure it won't) and court deciding that it indeed a Nazi salute.
There's nothing even remotely similar, because in the past 80 years we were trying to make sure no one confused us accidentally with Nazis.
That doesn't matter, his current customers are governments and oligarchs who want people to have certain opinion.
During that visit she was meeting with Israeli and Palestinian government.
You're just spewing disinformation. First, trying to mislead that this was her recent statement after the recent bombing of Gaza, and now once again that it was just meeting with Israel by suppressing information about meeting with Palestinian government and unlocking aid.
Your post is perfect illustration how disinformation is done: Use true event, release only select information, supress everything else to trigger an emotional response in certain direction (in this case bad EU sentiment).
In this case the goal is to make up that EU=evil, and motivate Europeans to be against it. Our eastern neighbor want us to exit EU and NATO, because then it will be easy to take each European country one by one.
Also without WHO, with this guy in charge, we will be very lucky if we won't have another pandemic in the next 4 years.
I am in the US and still see Gulf of Mexico.
I would actually love if for the next 4 years they just got busy only remaining places on map and nothing else.
Sadly much more damaging stuff is happening and this is just another distraction.
I'm joining that club too, managed to avoid Amazon for Black Friday and Christmas and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be
OT: I'm so frustrated that in my local Costco there's no single English tea, but they have entire aisle just for coffee.
That's my initial thought, but what do we know about who owns it?
There was GoFundMe, but his lawyer apparently said that no legal defense donations will be accepted, so no idea what happened with all the money donated.
Same, NPR, PBS and ProPublica I don't want to lose sources that still do real journalism.