I've seen no documentation that Mozilla Monitor works by accessing one's sync data.
The interface suggests that it only monitors email addresses manually added on monitor.mozilla.org's UI.
I've seen no documentation that Mozilla Monitor works by accessing one's sync data.
The interface suggests that it only monitors email addresses manually added on monitor.mozilla.org's UI.
Yes, I was aware of that at the time, and I probably assumed that my browser would be hashing each piece of data (e.g. each email address or username) before sending it to Mozilla Monitor or haveibeenpwned.
What concerns me is Mozilla Monitor appearing in the list of devices/browsers synced, each of which is implied to have cleartext access to all the data I decide to sync (bookmarks/history/tabs in my case, logins+passwords and more for many other people).
Most mass-marketed VPN services (the type marketed for accessing the internet) allow you to VPN into their private subnet where the thing you can access is their gateway router (which you use in place of your home gateway router/modem for connecting to the internet). You don't need a VPN service to use VPN software between two points you control.
Plus, is he an abolitionist?
Slavery, abortion, prison, or guns?
If you're using Mozilla's level of endorsement as a metric, note this prominent disclaimer on the addon's page:
⚠️ This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla. Make sure you trust it before installing.
Major conflict of interest for a big retailer to hold property beyond what they occupy themselves.
Yep. It works and it's awesome. I use conversations on android devices and dino and gajim on desktops, various family members use siskin on iOS.
With zero app or server-software or provider lock-in, and an actual in-practice diversity of apps and providers, the whole thing seems pretty immune to enshittification.
What then? Maybe 98% supports + 2% doesn't support the genocide?
That 2% because a genocide might be a bit inconvenient with an election coming up?
[alt-text for the vision-impaired] Image appears to be a twitter post from Craig Murray posted on 2023-10-14: "To be entirely plain. I have always viscerally opposed war. I have dedicated my life to conflict resolution and reconciliation. But in the coming Gaza genocide, every act of armed resistance by Hamas and Hezbollah will have my support. If that is a crime, send me back to jail."
Hmm. Could be seen as a rather outlandish thing to say in the immediate aftermath of 2023-10-07, but in hindsight with what we know now in terms of what atrocities the Israeli military forces have brought upon the people of Gaza since that attack on Israel, it seems a reasonable statement to support armed resistance against the coming episode of genocide which indeed materialised and continues today.
Ok, it's beginning to look like bad UI design on accounts.firefox.com:
If I click sign in at monitor.mozilla.org, it redirects me to an oauth process hosted on accounts.firefox.com which prompts me for my password then sends me back to monitor.mozilla.org.
The settings page at accounts.firefox.com then lists Mozilla Monitor under "Connected Services - Everything you are using and signed into" along with all my browser/device instances. But it doesn't disappear when signed out from monitor.mozilla.org in the same way that a browser instance disappears when signed out from sync browser-side.
I'm supposing that list does not indicate what has access to sync data, which as far as I understood uses its own strong private keys browser-side which are never shared with the servers.