Yeah when I said 20 years I wanted to express something that looks distant, I think that we will see a big change sooner. To be honest the plan B I'm working for, I'm trying to make it happen asap, hopefully next year or in two years, I may be overreacting but personally I'm not going to wait for the drama to really begin to take actions.
joined 1 day ago
If you want an example, my last job in telecom was investing hard in automation and while it was doing a poor job at the beginning, it started to do better and better, and while humans were needed, we had to do less work, of course that meant that when someone left the job, my employers didn't look for replacements.
To be honest I don't see the AI doing the job of tech workers to a point we should worry now... But in 20 years? That's another story. And in 20 years if I get fired probably no one will want to hire me, so I'm already working on a plan B.
The funny thing is that some conservative people here in Spain (the normal people, not politicians) are bitching hard about it, they told them to think that it is a really bad thing for them.