He didn't want it the first time, now he doesn't want to go to jail
I'm sure one of his progeny will take up the grift
Lol it's aping 70s or 80s design
The nineties is full of round edges and silver plastic
Most people put cream and sugar in their coffee or get one of milk based beverages.
They are not there for single origin light roasts.
They are definitely AB testing things like rejecting ad blockers.
I mean as a public company their end goal is to find the spot where the profit line crosses the satisfaction line. The goal is not to provide good service. It is to provide just enough service that you don't go elsewhere.
Sure is sold on billion dollar parking garages and 99 year leases though
It's time to move on, all the cool kids are driving wind stars now
Over the network can be hit or miss but the usb cable and the drivers from the AUR have yet to fail me
AWS can scale quite a bit but they don't do it for free.
Given all the cuts I'm doubtful they're willing to pay the price
It really comes down to if you are trying to use newer hardware or not. Debian based systems usually run fine out of the box on older systems.
For newer hardware your going to want new drivers and kernel versions which you get with a rolling release distro.