My bad, English is not my mother tongue. Tuxguitar has also for chords and yu can add them to pdfs when printing.
Tuxguitar has a fork with update development (android version included), and for looking up chords (guitar) you can check there is "fretboard" in flathub.
Yes, because of some judges, not government.
The coalition from last two terms is basically the same (left + far left). For example Junqueras (ERC) was pardonned by the current government and Puidgemont (Junts) was part of the global pardon during the second term. Judges are not controlled by the government, that's why there is still some aftermath, but it should be applied within the global pardon.
Also, the reality is that the global pursue of independence have fallen below majority (polls done by previous ERC government) and with a current Catalan president from socialists (part of spanish left) after the elections ...
You realize in 2017 it was a different government right? Right now is a left coalition supported by nationalist parties, including the ones (ERC and a bit by Junts) that declare independence in 2017.
Actually regarding Israel support, Junts (right catalan nationalist) supports Israel historically, while PSOE and specially IU (left spanish) has supported more Palestine and the two states solution.
Plenty of my family use linux (with gnome) because of me, but with Linux always the biggest issue is they don't know how to install an operative system (1. Create usb,2. boot in it,3. install it) As easy it is, non-tech people are always are afraid of doing it, even partition is not a general concept.
The second biggest issue with gnome without dash to panel is too alien for them, they need to see what applications are open (me too...), the app menu is ok, they have phones.
Well, but XWayland apps should not be blurry now!
Blurry apps come from xwayland compatibility. Firefox and alacritty (or other terminal like wezterm or kitty) have native wayland, with no blurry check Archwiki for example HiDPI. With Spotify, live with it or use spot (gtk client). Hopefully next gnome release incorporate something like plasma, and then ctrl+ native in spotify increase its size.
Unciv, civilization inspired Dont blame if you loose now all your day... ;-)
Better bibtex is already compatible I think. Zotmov is a good replacement for zotfile. I have yet to find one for zutilo
Do you have a link providing clear info on that? Because I have seen only comments, no serious analysis on security whatsoever...
Feliz Navidad!!๐๐