It's a trap, you piece of shit
Back of the net!
I'd imagine you wouldn't sue someone just for this. It's probably like, if you were paralysed in an accident that someone else caused, you'd sue for damages, etc., as well as loss of enjoyment of life. But I'm not a law person, so maybe I'm wrong
This is Wells Fargo, not a chess tournament
Sure it has. They send you to Rwanda now
being extremely specific
More like being eggstreamly specific
I'm still holding out hope that they'll remake THUG 2 and American wasteland
Ah ok. Then yeah, changing it weeks/months after release to require one is pretty shitty. Especially for those who live in countries that can't get PSN accounts. The game should never have been sold there as now it will become unplayable for them
The thing I don't get about this is that is says on the steam page for Helldivers 2 that it requires a PSN account. Did it not say that before they made that announcement? Or did people see that they weren't enforcing it, buy the game, and now complain that they're starting to enforce it?
Homer and Marge go... somewhere and leave Grampa in charge of the kids. Bart and Lisa misbehave. Grampa guilts them into cleaning up by pretending to cry.