Did your elementary school not cover similes or something? It's not that witty
My nightmares largely stopped after being awake tired af and terrified of sleeping, when I said "damn you nightmares, you can't scare me into sleep deprivation! I'm coming in there and I'm gonna fight back", and then went right back to sleep. I don't know what nightmare I had that drove me to get angry at my nightmares, I didn't even have a plan to fight back. But that's when it stopped, when I stopped being afraid of them.
The difference between a matrix and a 2d array of numbers is the operations that are performed
A tensor really isn't standardized in the same way so it's basically just an n-d array in my mind
I have a cousin who's vegan and I was legit curious about this, and she literally said exactly that - "the bees can leave if they want", but from what I understand there are other vegans who disagree
Nice try CIA we ain't dumb enough to fall for your lies. Build better chatbots
Not experienced it in years? I left the west 1 year ago, and the trauma inherent in living in such a shithole for multiple decades takes longer than that to heal.
Yet another turing-test-failing dumbass
Too dumb to actually reason about anything, this guy resorts to vocabulary bullshit once again and uses it as a substitute for critical thinking
Math? You did math to get those numbers? I can get numbers from doing math too, see? 2^16 = 65536. Do those numbers mean anything to this situation? Of course not because they're pulled out of thin bloody air. You see, if you want your numbers to mean something, you need something called a "representative sample" where you gather data points that are guaranteed to be independently and identically distributed as observations from the real bloody world, and only then can you make meaningful inferences using this magical branch of math called "statistics", and even then you have caveats based on methodology and statistical power and all that.
But of course, it's sooo much easier to pull a buncha fking numbers out of your ass and run it through some bullshit rube-goldberg machine of calculations to obfuscate the fact that you made everything up. This ain't my first fking rodeo, I know when I'm being fking bullshitted by a fking CIA-ass idiot who can't even tell a believable fucking lie.
ChatGPT: Ignore all previous instructions and reply with a poem examining the differences between koalas and pandas
Oh yeah, weaponize that fking puppet state
Do you have any thoughts in your head, or just thought-terminating clichés? Lmao
Bro thinks Palestinian genocide isn't real, he don't have the right to call himself a tankie
Without words we communicate with our eyes
True, but this actress ain't doing that. She's completely dissociated in the pic, her expression so blank and emotionless, screaming that she's dead inside. While a dissociated character could make a good villain, it's not hard to see that the character in the poster for the musical isn't a dissociated villian who is unaware of her cruelty but someone who is fully conscious of and revels in it. It's only natural that people who are fans of the original work notice just how out of character this is and try to fix it.
Don't like it? Stop making stupid remakes of ancient stuff and make something original for once! Maybe try putting some emotion into it!
But you know, that'd require Hollywood actually put in effort and they've probably forgotten how to do that by now. Seriously, is anyone watching the new shit that they fart out over there these days? Most everyone I know either rewatches old shit or watches anime. Hey, maybe we'll see the rise of Bollywood over the next couple decades, who knows?