A whole bag of Cheetos is still acceptable though. They put air where the calories are supposed to hide.
joined 2 years ago
Pick a non-strawman argument and then we can have a discussion. They had different methods of creating games yes, but were they easier back then than they are now? I don't think so, they had people inventing the fucking wheel of what could be possible and we still had a consistent price tag with a FEATURE COMPLETE package. They didn't have as many workers as they did because all of the programming went to those individual developers to figure out. The amount of work is more intricately spread out in these bigger studios, but the passion and creativeness was more alive back in the early days. None of it was automated with fully polished dev tools and externally hired language teams.
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I guess they announced that in 2017 but there was so much backlash they backed out. That was around the time they introduced 3D Paint. Now I'm wondering if they're going to silently remove the og Paint and call 3D Paint just Paint with all the new features.