For the curious, rm -fr /
Luck, basically.
Local startup lost an employee and was looking for a replacement among graduates right around the time I got my master's degree and contacted me.
Modded Skyrim
Weeding out those kind of people is an unexpected, but sweet, side effect
No connection language-wise, they're just saying both are true
I am one too, but I do like cooking. And I also definitely have nights when I can't be arsed to put anything together so I get your point
It depends on your lifestyle obviously. I have a sedentary job so I need to be a bit mindful of what I put inside my body
Not a fan of reheating pasta when it's so easy to make a fresh batch tbh
That being cumbersome sounds weird to me, but it's probably due to me always having a scale with a bowl at the ready, so it might be different for others
100 grams per person is the standard I grew up with, now I do 75.
I have a FP5 and while I'm still mad about the headphone jack missing, I'm pretty happy with it.
I ultimately made the choice because I want to support people making repairable tech and also because performances aren't improving as fast as they did 10 years ago, so I'm OK with not having the best components.