Fuck, I didn't know I had my volume all the way up. I think the neighbours heard
I game on Linux (Arch, btw) and the only games that don't work using wine/proton (so far) are those that require kernel level anti-cheat software. Everything else runs mostly flawlessly throgh Steam or Lutris.
I have 800/300, no caps, for like 30€/month. Those prices are insane.
I remember playing Project IGI, that one was hard. Die and you have to redo the entire mission, brutal.
Definitely ditch Nvidia. I bought an AMD one and it works with Linux without any hassle or tinkering.
Funny enough, I'm on Arch by choice. I was using it before but it makes sense as having the latest packages is good for gaming on it. Luckily I've just been upgraded to a FTTH connection so I'm good on that front.
I had to go back to Xorg though because Wayland was doing some weird shit.
I just did that. I have a dual boot laptop where Windows was used exclusively for games, and instead of upgrading that I built myself a PC with an AMD GPU (Nvidia, fuck you!).
So far I haven't run into any problem that I couldn't easily solve, and the only games that won't run are those demanding I install an anti cheat system, but I'm fine not playing those.
Patch notes
- fixed that one bug
- added 99 new bugs
I've seen Scrubs mentioned before, so I'll go with the Doctor Who episode "Blink".
It's a weird one because the Doctor is barely in it, but the story's great and it's the Angel's first appearance.
What about it?
The items would just be kept on sale at hugely inflated prices
Is nobody gonna mention Breaking the Law? Seems quite fitting