I have, I go to gym about three times a week.
just feels he should own one and probably wants regular sex (on his terms only)
I never, ever said nor implied this. English is not my first language, so maybe I didn't phrase it all that well. I rarely ever even flirt with women because I'm afraid it will make them uncomfortable. I, as any other person, seek companionship. I know it sounds shallow to put emphasis on looks. But no matter which way I shake it it is an important factor to me. Otherwise it just feels like another friendship to me. I can't change myself in that regard. And the results speak for themselves. So here I am seeking help to at least not feel bitter about it.
I don't know what to tell you. I only blame myself for being this way. And every woman I meet has every right to refuse me. I do not deny that. I think my bitterness about my life is unfounded. Because it's all by virtue of my own choices. I do not want to feel this way. Not to gain favours from women but for myself. For that I ask help. That's it. Sorry you feel this way.
Do you think you are sort of batting out of your league looks-wise?
Yes, definitely.
is there anything else that makes you think you are not physically attractive?
My arms and legs are particularly skinny, like Ballerina level skinny.
May I ask how old you are?
I am 24 years old
You are outgoing and social, perhaps try practicing flirting?
I find flirting difficult. Because I never want to make it obvious and I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
What I meant was I don't make it obvious not because I want to make them feel unloved or something but to prevent making them feel uncomfortable. I talk and treat everyone like we're just friends (because for the most part we just are). If the woman from her end shows she's interested in me than I try and go along with it.
But I am here to learn, so could you then please tell me how do you properly flirt with someone then?