
joined 1 year ago
[–] tiltedslim@alien.top 1 points 1 year ago

Titans are really bad, like really really bad.
Chargers are gonna Charger
Jets are gonna Jets

It's that week where things start getting sorted out. The real season starts Thanksgiving week.

[–] tiltedslim@alien.top 1 points 1 year ago

If we lose next week we could just straight lose out.

[–] tiltedslim@alien.top 1 points 1 year ago

My only Joe Buck beef is the call on the Derrick Henry 99 yard run and I like to think he was so shocked that no one tackled him he really didn't know what to do. He has the best call of the modern era (Diggs, sideline, touchdown, unbelievable). He's also the only modern announcer that will let the game breath a la Pat Summerall.

Collinsworth can be annoying.
I think Al is over it, but when he let's that show it's funny.
Thursday Troy is fun. He's got a little more dgaf about him on Thusdays that I like.

The announcers that really get on my nerves are the one's that say all the names wrong and the ones that won't shut the fuck up. This isn't around the horn, you don't get points per word during a game. You are not why we are watching, you are companion piece. Act like it.

I think the Beth Mowins hate is stupid. I get some of you losers never want a chick to call a game, you're dead wrong.

What makes a good announcer? Someone that can enhance the game experience without getting in the way of it. Someone that can FEEL the game. There are times to talk and times to shut up and that is all feel. I want to feel like I'm watching a game with a buddy that knows way more about football than me, but is still there with me to just watch the game.

[–] tiltedslim@alien.top 1 points 1 year ago

Idk who it will be, but there will be a bloodbath for the 7th seed in the AFC where 1 team will earn the right to maybe win 1 playoff game if they get lucky while 5 other teams with fuck up their draft position by being a bad team trying to make the playoffs.

[–] tiltedslim@alien.top 1 points 1 year ago

Arthur Juan Brown