@100_percent_a_bot You people really expect us to believe that this was necessary for Israel's "self defense"
Using military weapons against civilians is illegal
@100_percent_a_bot You people really expect us to believe that this was necessary for Israel's "self defense"
Using military weapons against civilians is illegal
@100_percent_a_bot See you're still being intellectually dishonest, or don't you realize that you can't defend yourself from territory you don't own. All the settlements are illegal.
That's what's wrong with you people, you are constantly trying to whitewash Israel standing outside of their own borders as if that's normal or acceptable. When any other people, would be at war with them in a heartbeat, decades ago
@100_percent_a_bot Tell us what you're aware of about Israel as you haven't shown any more awareness than a rock
@100_percent_a_bot No, you're just ignorant of the situation and willfully so. You'll get it eventually.
@100_percent_a_bot https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/netanyahu-disciplines-israeli-minister-who-voiced-openness-hypothetical-nuclear-2023-11-05/
Clearly you've been distracted by something shiny. This is the issue at hand.
@MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte which of these bodies did Israel tell you were Hamas?
@MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte witness statements as given to the IDF and you took as gospel.
Are you being serious right now? I mean really?
Thought experiment for you, what is the difference between a Hamas bunker and a civilian shelter? Do you really believe Israel will honestly tell you? Remember, we're talking about the same state sponsored terrorists who have literally bombed civilian convoys in the safe corridors they established
@MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte your problem is that no matter how you want to cut it, Israel is operating in the wrong from the start. They are the occupation force, resisting an occupation is LEGAL, and any nation under that circumstance would do the exact same thing.
That said, was Hamas's actions against civilians on October 7th a terrorist attack, yes.
Has Israel engaged in terrorism against Palestinian civilians for decades, YES
Has Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing, YES
@100_percent_a_bot Except you've got who the terrorists are wrong. The Israeli invaded the Palestinians not vice versa.