I can repeat it if you like...
You are obviously not taking input, why participate?
Looking forward to shit burning down on Monday because a titanium micro shaving fire has a slow response time and wrong equipment.
I have that feature in the app i use. Sync.
People who are intimately involved have a tendency to make compromised decisions involving the other person. It isn't just about doing the right thing, it is about looking like you are doing the right thing too.
May the capital police show far less restraint if next time happens.
You misread the post
I'm one tragic family accident away. I don't want that accident, but i know plan B.
Highly suggest orange brandy as a substitute
That's exactly what we're saying, you've got to escalate properly. I suggest rocket launchers, a super shotgun, and a BFG9000. Didn't forget to set the classroom to ultra violence.
In there wit de two yutes
This guy maths