UK gov should be for UK people.
Not the president of the US.
We should be looking to more local trading partners LIKE THE ENTIRETY OF THE FUCKING EU BLOC.
But somehow, the UK government slides farther and farther right.
SNP are right when they say that there hasn't been any change under labour.
Same shit, different colour
"draining the swamp" is actually a bad thing.
Huge ecological upheaval, likely increase of both floods and droughts by lowering the water table, and decreasing surge control because swamps are essentially sponges.
Never mind the nutrients and biodiversity.
But in the short term, it's more useable land
I want to say... Some sort of self hoster with a cheap domain going for the "security through obscurity" approach...
I'll let you explore, but definitely a self hoster!
Nah, you call it a meme so everyone doesn't look at it too closely.
It's like the typos in scam emails and texts.
The people that would actively investigate such a thing dismiss it immediately.
The stupid people buy right into it.
No, mainstream media is part of capitalism.
Specifically shitty mainstream media (I'm sure there are some mainstream media providers that aren't shitty).
This is a shitty product.
This is a shitty product that is part of capitalism.
This is a shitty product that is part of capitalism which happens to show mainstream media.
But this isn't mainstream media.
Mainstream media would want in on the ad revenue. Mainstream media would facilitate & encourage this.
This is just a shitty product from a shitty company capitalising on shitty practices.
I guess "part of the same bullshit" is correct.
But it's placing the blame on the wrong thing
This isn't mainstream media.
This is capitalism.
This is a company making a product, selling it for a given price, then making additional money from embedded ads.
Whether that ad revenue is additional profit, or to offset the actual cost of the item - because the sold it at a loss to beat their competitors - doesn't really matter.
This is the consumer paying for something, and not getting a full and complete product
I don't know that he has helped build anything. He has helped hype 2 companies.
He did great PR when someone was managing him, but recently his PR is poison.
SpaceX is managed by someone competent, musk has - quite frankly - little to do with the company.
Tesla is riding the hype from before musk took off the mask. I give them 4 years, tops. If it's not already on the way down.
Intel needs to be run and managed by engineers. That's what we want from core components. Not hype, not bubbles, not marketing speak, not fancy names and confusing part numbers. We want actual engineers who have thought through the implications of their decisions all the way to the end consumer. We want hardware that works and is predictable.
Certainly worth brazillions, which is more than twitter
Top tip: don't use WD40 as a lubricator.
It's more of a solvent.
It will lubricate in the short term, but the film it leaves is too thin to protect in the long term.
It's great for removing old grease and old oil, breaking rust, stuck nuts etc.
But it shouldn't be the last thing you use in maintenance.
Once you have something moving again and all cleaned up, make sure you use some proper oil to protect it long term (3-in-1 oil is good, there are more application-specific lubricants as well)
Likely less informed as well.
Why the hell would homeless people in another country give a shit about another countries politicians which has had 0 impact on their lives
IMO, that's the shiniest thing
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