Both things can be true.
OP can be doing good.
And potus can be doing shit and running rough-shod over the working class
PCIe4.0, requires pcie bifurcation
With fan, ventilation and big heatsink
In a single player game, yeh.
Cheating in a game that impacts other people is trash
I'm just surprised this isn't a systemd joke
Free for a year or so, depending on where you register
UK gov should be for UK people.
Not the president of the US.
We should be looking to more local trading partners LIKE THE ENTIRETY OF THE FUCKING EU BLOC.
But somehow, the UK government slides farther and farther right.
SNP are right when they say that there hasn't been any change under labour.
Same shit, different colour
"draining the swamp" is actually a bad thing.
Huge ecological upheaval, likely increase of both floods and droughts by lowering the water table, and decreasing surge control because swamps are essentially sponges.
Never mind the nutrients and biodiversity.
But in the short term, it's more useable land
I want to say... Some sort of self hoster with a cheap domain going for the "security through obscurity" approach...
I'll let you explore, but definitely a self hoster!
Nah, you call it a meme so everyone doesn't look at it too closely.
It's like the typos in scam emails and texts.
The people that would actively investigate such a thing dismiss it immediately.
The stupid people buy right into it.
No, mainstream media is part of capitalism.
Specifically shitty mainstream media (I'm sure there are some mainstream media providers that aren't shitty).
This is a shitty product.
This is a shitty product that is part of capitalism.
This is a shitty product that is part of capitalism which happens to show mainstream media.
But this isn't mainstream media.
Mainstream media would want in on the ad revenue. Mainstream media would facilitate & encourage this.
This is just a shitty product from a shitty company capitalising on shitty practices.
I guess "part of the same bullshit" is correct.
But it's placing the blame on the wrong thing is like but for the US Government.
It would make sense that they archive government websites