All involve increasing taxation or making it needs based...
Some involve increasing payroll taxes while others involve taxes on corporations or investments. There's also non-tax based proposals like raising the retirement age.
I have zero interest in paying more to a mismanaged program...
The program is not mismanaged.
That’s the problem with socialism. You eventually run out of other people’s money to spend.
This is not socialism. Further, every US president, including Republican, has supported or enacted legislation upholding social security since its inception.
First, they do have the funds. The shortfall is a future projection. Second, this assumption is incorrect. There are a variety of factors that will affect the future income and cost of the program. Retirement of Baby Boomers and lower birth rates are two examples.
When combined with other proposals, it is a viable solution in that it solves the problem of the shortfall.
This is a matter of opinion.
I don't know your personal situation but virtually all Americans keep the lion's share of their money when it comes to taxation.
I personally would be willing to pay more taxes for more services, including social security, universal healthcare, and others.