
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ime, not really. It feels daunting the first time, but the installation guide on the wiki is actually really good at holding your hand through it.

Just be careful not to skip any sections

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

TMDB — themoviedb (dot) com

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I did seem to gain around 10s in a compilation workload that takes just under 2 minutes (after the switch), but I didn’t perform any actual benchmark

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Is there any meaningful difference between installing CachyOS and installing Arch but setong up the CachyOS repositories and using CachyOS’ kernel? I did the latter, and things seem to work fine

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

Or both! Debian on my server, arch on my desktop, btw

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I have never used macOS in my life but I can confidently say that there is no “if not worse” when it comes to windows. If you have used macOS or linux for a few years you have been shielded by how much shit windows is these days. I have had to install windows on my partner’s pc due to software requirements and let me tell you it’s straight up horrifying. The next person that dares tell me that windows is easier than linux or that it “just works” is getting a punch in the face.

Spotify didn’t work because a “system component” was missing. Spotify obviously gave no sign about this, instead opting to displaying a missing dll error.

Setting up a samba share on my linux server took a few minutes, and it was visible and usable by my linux box, my iPhone, and my partner macbook without issues. Windows could see the share but not access it because I have it set up to allow anonymous usage (which maps to an almost permission-less user on the server), and apparently windows 11 requires changing THREE different registry keys to allow the client to access shares anonymously despite the server explicitly relying on it (password auth is disabled on the server).

Simpler my ass.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)
  • Vampire Survivors
  • Dwarf Fortress

That said, I find it very hard to understand exactly what you are asking for, the post is rambly with a middle section about books that I couldn’t really understand even after 3 rereads.

I think what you are asking for is:

  1. It must be possible to legally acquire the game for 10 usd or less, even if only for a limited time (via discounts or other special offers)
  2. the game must not have any parts that become more frustrating as you play the game (which is how you seem to define 100% enjoyability)
  3. must be playable for 100 hours, or be replayable for that amount of time while being 100% enjoyable throughout
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

I realize I sounded overly critical in my comment. Open source sustainability, including in monetary form, is a real issue. It’s very important that we as a community try to find working models, and I commend posts like yours that investigate the possibilities and traverse the solution space. Unfortunately it’s a very difficult problem to solve. I think a model that can work is yet to be found

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

I don’t think either of these models can work. Fund-to-release is basically the same as crowdfunding, except painted as more focused. Now users, rather than “donate 5$ every month to fooProject” need to deal with a constant stream of “donate X$ to fooProject for Y feature / bug”, so it sharply increases subscription fatigue. I guess it wouldn’t be subscription fatigue then. Shopping fatigue?

And what if bugfix X reaches 90% of the funding, and feature Y reaches 90% of the funding, but neither reaches 100%? With a simpler subscription the project would have a set amount of money to distribute across its internal needs.

And this isn’t even touching on the subject of cost overruns. What happens when your feature estimated at 2 months of dev time is 60% done after 7 weeks? Do you ask for a second donation round?

Rather, for this kind of focused work a project should keep one single treasury to distribute as needed, and have polls for contributors (monetary or otherwise) to vote on which parts to focus on first.

The fund-to-release model shifts all the risk on the authors, who don’t see any monetary reward while the work is ongoing and are not guaranteed any even when the work is finished. Dev work needs a constant stream of funding (to eat, pay rent etc) unless the author starts with a sizeable initial treasury, in which case they can deal with big lump sumps to distribute as they need. But this requires at the very least the guarantee of payment once the work is done which, again, this model does not guarantee.

Sorry I don’t have solutions to propose, but I think the flaws of these alternatives far outweigh their pros.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago

“They’re both for monsters”

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

If the time is off by that much after being powered off, this tells me two things:

  1. Your RTC battery is very likely dead. Should be simple to replace, it would be on the motherboard but then again accessing it might be a little tricky on a laptop
  2. NTP is probably not set up, or set up incorrectly. It should automatically sync the time on boot

An incorrect clock can absolutely cause network issues, so I would bet that’s what is causing you trouble

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Why are you using networkd instead of networkmanager on a desktop?

What a weird question. Networkd works anywhere systemd works, why whould desktops be any different.

It’s the same as asking someone “why are you using systemd-boot instead of grub? Because I like systemd boot better and it’s easier to configure. Same with networkd, configuration is stupid simple, I have installed it on my work machine even.

As for op: since you can manually ping ip addresses and the issue seems to be time-based, could it be that your machine is somehow not renegotiating a dhcp lease?

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