On the right: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/nataliafadeev
joined 1 year ago
Lia Lor
Clean the stay and the tube thoroughly before. A small bit of rock or metal dust between the tube/tape and the stay will jiggle back and forth and wear down the material of the stay, creating the potential for a fracture.
I also wrap my u-lock this way.
This post from the other day was pretty good
Megan Bitchell
Terence Howard is delusional. But this youtube channel is also not worth watching. Professor Dave is a guy with a MA and has never been a professor. He gets some basic science and history wrong pretty quickly. In fairness, Howard gets it much more wrong. My advice is not to waste your life listening to either of them and instead to watch some Carl Sagan or Richard Feynman.