
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 97 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (29 children)

My kids won't have this problem. Given the circumstances that have been obvious for 40-50 years I made the best and most responsible parenting decision possible. I didn't have any.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

The people at the top don't want the people under them competing with them for bribes. They want to make sure all gifts come directly to them.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Sounds like he's lonely. Poor guy.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

While they're both horrible and there's no good way to compare atrocities, I never expected to even briefly think the words: "At least the Nazis killed their victims first." Yet, here we are.
This shit is way outta hand.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

If the teacher is going to basically plagarize the assignment and I've already done it elsewhere to the best of my ability, how the hell am I supposed to do anything other than resubmit the work I'd done for that assignment the first time?

That doesn't make sense to me. Even after reading the below referenced wikipedia section on self plagiarism, it seems a contested topic and kinda ridiculous.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There's no such thing as ghosts because pac-man eats them all when he chomps the power pill....

Look. I can put words together that sound like they mean stuff, too.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Walking two steps outside in socks and accidentally stepping on a slug... It was like 37 years ago... I'm still traumatized.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Governments might have thought of that when they were spending decades endorsing wealth inequality and subsidizing everything from the top. Why make more people when life's already not worth living and everything continues to get worse at an accelerating rate?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

Aren't babies cartilaginous at birth? Guess it's still a skeleton as it is a structural frame, even if it's not made out of bones yet.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Watergate is just the name of a hotel/shop/office complex in DC. The Watergate scandal had nothing to do with water, it's just named after the place where it occurred. The -gate suffix for scandals is dumb.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

One of these 2:

  • some leftover rice, reheated.
  • a couple small potatoes, microwaved and then cut into cubes.

Mixed with one of these 3:

  • 1-2 packets cooked maggi masala ramen.
  • a can of chili and microwave for another couple minutes.
  • bagged madras lentils, similar to above.

These rare kills in Washington State have biologists searching for answers. “Everyone always assumes wolves have the upper hand,” says one scientist. “But that’s not always the case.”

archive link: https://archive.is/JCvom


These rare kills in Washington State have biologists searching for answers. “Everyone always assumes wolves have the upper hand,” says one scientist. “But that’s not always the case.”

archive link: https://archive.is/JCvom


On August 23, 2023, several Ukrainian accounts on social media released a video showing Ukraine's new underwater suicide drone named "Marichka".


On August 23, 2023, several Ukrainian accounts on social media released a video showing Ukraine's new underwater suicide drone named "Marichka".


Soft landing achieved.


Soft landing achieved.


Will our own elites perform any better than the rulers of Chaco Canyon, the Mayan heartland, and Viking Greenland?

archive link: https://archive.is/nP8Ps


“We will be seeking maximum sanctions under the law possible,” Marion County Record’s publisher said after the entire local police department seized reporting materials.

UPDATE - headline changed: Kansas Newspaper Says Its Co-Owner Has Died After Being Traumatized by Police Raid

"A local Kansas newspaper whose offices were raided by an entire police department on Friday says its 98-year-old co-owner has now died after she was left “stressed beyond her limits.”

Joan Meyer “collapsed Saturday afternoon and died at her home,” the Marion County Record reported, noting that she had been “in good health for her age.”

Daily Beast archive link: https://archive.is/c2Byu

Latest information available here: http://marionrecord.com/direct/updated_illegal_raids_contribute_to_death_of_newspaper_co_owner+5447raid+555044415445443a20496c6c6567616c20726169647320636f6e7472696275746520746f206465617468206f66206e657773706170657220636f2d6f776e65723c212d2d2d2d3e

Marion Record archive link: https://archive.is/axP8d

From the Marion Record article:

Stressed beyond her limits and overwhelmed by hours of shock and grief after illegal police raids on her home and the Marion County Record newspaper office Friday, 98-year-old newspaper co-owner Joan Meyer, otherwise in good health for her age, collapsed Saturday afternoon and died at her home.
As her home was raided, other officers descended upon the Record office, forcing staff members to stay outside the office for hours during a heat advisory. They were not allowed them to answer the phone or make any calls.
Marion vice mayor Ruth Herbel’s home also was raided at the same time.
A Record reporter later requested a copy of the probable cause affidavit necessary for issuance of the search warrant
District court, where such items are supposed to be filed, issued a signed statement saying no affidavit was on file.
County attorney Joel Ensey, whose brother owns the hotel where Newell operates her restaurant, was asked for it but said he would not release it because it was “not a public document.”

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