Honestly, it’s almost embarrassing. Democrats continue to fight using Queensberry whilst Trump et al are, again, acting with impunity. They’ve got to smell the coffee and take the gloves off.
Your point about the independents is a good one; I was incredibly heartened by their emergence last election.
I would dearly love to see more of them (in fact I’ve seen placard wavers in my neck of the, previously independent-free, woods) and hope they have the resources to combat the incoming LNP bullshit!
He’s going to get in. I kept telling myself that Trump will never win. Common sense will surely prevail. Twice!
This time, even in Australia with compulsory voting, he’s going to win. He’s going to lie and obfuscate and shriek like a banshee about some confected emotional issues, over and over again. All backed by mainstream media 🤮
I’m interested to see how JR responds. I heard the “Kamala was a chicken” line pre-election because she avoided him, for whatever reason. Now the tables have been turned! It’s a win-win for me because either I can sing out “Rogan is a chicken” or he actually has a discussion with Klitschko and many will have their positions challenged.
I think they need to be aggressive, publicly, with their highlighting of Trump’s “shortcomings”. Like billboards. Or interviews on TV. Or (ab)using privilege in the House. Etc. Just say stuff that’s true that they wouldn’t normally want to say. “Trump finger raped a woman”, “Putin’s lapdog”, “Pornstar fucker”, “Friend to pedophiles”.
In your face shit that’s inappropriate. Or was inappropriate until Trump changed the rules.
Just keep repeating it day after day, and like Trump, it’ll become part of the narrative through repetition.