Ok everybody go buy, so I can request a rectangular face lol.
Hmm not good. Was thinking of getting a fire stick but assuming I could flash ROM from xda.
Thank you sooo much op for this post. Still learning linux gaming on my pop os, but so far have been successful with 2 games 😁 no step 4 needed so far 🤞 enjoying fable anniversary ATM 😁😁 ty ty 🙏
So op what did u end up using? I'm using xbroswersync ❤️
Apologies if your not a bot. I like news, it just seems, i assume, the devs are being dodgy.
Lol now i know there are bots making these posts. Neo launcher pulled 0.9.3 then re released it. I assume to make it look like they're active. As there hadn't been a new release in a long time.
uuu we get thumbnails now. nice 👍 keep up great work.
where's my pitch fork sharpener?... 🤣
I will wait for fdroid or gplay app.
That's amazing. Tx op. Now I/we just need video tutorials for beginners to show how all these commands are used and why. You can do it!