My grandmother was completely happy with elementary because more user friendly and she just need a browser and office apps
All right good hint why I don't have this idea by my self
but is E2E so should be fine
Telegram is a reproducible build, just on Android or also in iOS
ohh nice to see there have something like this. thx for the info :)
My motivation is if you give some one data this means knowledge and knowledge = power. If you than have a Stalin or a Hitler than you know what is happening, so we shouldn't do the same mistakes like in the past
Manjaro and Zorin OS :)
Yes we should start to provide servers for federation :)
I think also the main focus in to avoid censorship and fair creator paying. Lybr is also kind of federated because you can just create you own client or webside and talk to the blockchain :)
Just use Matrix/Element its one of the best Messengers :D
Telegram, Matrix and Mumble
Flutter ?