Did you know that satisfactory has a height limit?
Screens are not basically buttons. I cannot reach at the screen without looking and find a toggle and know that I pressed it successfully.
It could be run after git checkout and then rustfmt before commit.
Achievement unlocked: master tinkerer.
Wait did you try to restore the root partition while it was mounted to root? If yes, then that was probably the problem. No OS likes its filesystem being replaced on the fly.
But I have no idea on how to fix it. Maybe boot up a linux from USB and restore the root partition from there?
My solution: have a single cup that you have to find and clean before you can have a fresh cup of coffee.
Also: don't be hard on yourself because of these things. It's how your brain works, it makes it you.
Linksys MR7360. I just got official support, so i had to install a snapshot and manually install luci.
Why this one? Because it was 50% off due to a local shop closing. Last one on the shelf too.
From the last picture, it looks like legs can slide from the bottom direction onto the joint. So the legs don't have a "rectangular hole", but a "L-shaped slot from the top". I hope this description make sense.
I'd score openwrt as a perfect 5/7
OpenWRT on a new router. The wifi works better, ethernet works up to 980Mbit/s and I don't have all my traffic routed trough a Huawei device.
And it allows you to configure everything.
If I have a complex regular expression to code into my app, I write it in pomsky, then copy paste the compiled regex to my source file, but also keep the pomsky source nearby. Much more maintainable.
Because not all parts of the repo have this status. Some are stable, well tested and critical.