If anyone feels alienated, deal with it. I’m not saying this to make an enemy but neighbors will get no cookies or pats on the back for doing the absolute minimum, then coming here tell us “on behalf of half of us, I’m sorry” and that “this is not us”. Yes it is, face it and deal with it. Do more and to better.
You didn’t ask “what matters”, but “what to do”. I can tell you the things I do, but they’re all groups in my city so unless you move here it doesn’t help much. But you can look for the equivalents where you live: strong towns, vision zero, proportional representation, antifascism, buying local, defense of the public library, volunteer with a local party… the list of options on how to get organized and on what specific areas is endless.
Pick any of the things you already told that matters to you and go work on it. Not even talking about Canada anymore, you’re the one using learned helplessness to weasel out of putting in the work. Go on about not having the time to act on these things, after telling us that you care about them so much.
What as a normal person is there to be done?
Great question. Step one is educating yourself on how to answer this question yourself, but better ask this of you local groups, I’m not from Seattle so can’t help you figure this out. But the short answer is to organize.
Democracy doesn’t happen only on Election Day.
Cool story but that is what Americans chose, yes. It’s your representative. Americans might not hate Canadians, but Americans only love themselves and will eventually learn that this leads you to behave selfishly and be hated.
I thought that Conservatism here would die off with the boomers but clearly not.
Me too, but when the culture wars started to solidify in people's minds, that was when the progressives lost the plot of the next generations.
Teenagers are mean. Specially men. And if by the time they're 18 they're knees deep on the other side of this perceived culture wars, it's a done deal for life. They'll vote for Satan himself if that will "trigger the libs". We have a generation that is partly proud of a president shitposting about turning Gaza into a Trump resort. This level of inhumanity was something the boomers themselves would not understand.
An “insignificant lead” huh? Not exactly the sort of words I would use considering that the Liberals went from “zero chance of winning” to “barely the most likely to win”.
"insignificant" is not qualifying their current state, it's just qualifying by how much they're leading right now.
Carney is basically the only leader right now that has both integrity and vision. None of his competitors have either and it is well known that they don’t.
Did I miss any integrity damning scandal for the other Liberal candidates? They all seem to have a decent track record.
It’s just that mastodon has a generous 0% chance at becoming mainstream compared to Bluesky.
Which is irrelevant. RSS is not mainstream and CBC still supports it, because it's the right thing to do.
Conservatives plus people with conservative talking points that still don't see themselves as conservatives?
Me neither but that's not what's happening. The petition is not the basis for the action. The basis for the petition is the basis for the action, and the petition is a tool to demonstrate public support for the action.
I won't be signing it, though. This will help no one and I'd rather spend our political capital on things that do.
Conservatism used to be about fiscal responsibility and political stability
And at which point in time was this not a euphemism for cutting social services and resisting social reforms? Only the most radical segment of the left is revolutionary, most of progressive politics always has been incrementalist social democracy inside the frames of modern capitalism. Conservatism has always been about resisting whatever that other force for progress is pushing.
It is the fault of their home countries that their schools don’t meet that standard.
We cannot and should never compromise high standards of education.
These two things are generally unrelated. Higher education institutions around the world don't have many incentives to get these accreditation stamps in the first place, and it's mostly bureaucracy, nothing to do with the actual standards of these institutions. My engineering degree was much, MUCH harder to get than it it would have been in Canada. The bar to graduate at my uni is way higher than the average university here - but in the end it's a pile of paperwork that no one cares to make it easier.
A friend of mine is finishing his 3 year journey towards his P Eng and it's insane to think that the quality of his education has anything to do with this, it's one of the best engineering schools of the continent.
Unpopular take maybe…
Canada does not need to join the EU to increase trade and partnerships. More trade agreements and joint projects. The EU is a complicated political structure and joining it is unnecessarily complicateted.