True, that'd be the best hope for an in class course.
Probably explains why they went online mode instead of in class mode for the two courses. Casting their net wider. If I'm not too wrong, brochures and flyers and posters for these courses have already arrived in every one of those 48 countries and would pounce on every potential student.
I do wish how QEMU (and VLC media player?) came out of France or Mastodon came out of Germany, Arduino came out of Italy, something of note comes from down under too. Something other than Atlassian. Sadly Aussie grads seem to find overseas employment more attractive, and most of those who stay don't essentially work in their fields of study.
Does anyone know anything about vertical axis wind turbines? I see a lonely VAWT on the rooftop of the building across the street from ABC on Harris Street Ultimo. Could neatly complement rooftop solar panels.