It would be a subset of "urban commercial", right? Somewhere in the range of half to three-quarters of it?
Was diamond 1 when I made this original post, currently diamond 2. Progress has slowed somewhat, but I know the areas I need to work on to tighten things up.
Been tracking my progress in a spreadsheet.
One moment that sucked was quitting mid-match to answer a knock at the front door and ate a >100LP disconnect penalty for it. In hindsight I should've just AFK'd and let the guy take my 40 instead. It was a goddamn door-to-door ISP sales agent.
I'll add you next time I'm on and maybe I'll see you around. I'm in a bit of a weird timezone though.
edit: I can't find you on the buckler site by any of "aight_passing", "aight passing", or "kajib". What's your CFN ID?
edit the second: Found you with a hyphen.
Last question first, yes, kind of. I have some degree of misophonia and hate most extraneous noise. This also extends externally perhaps just as a matter of empathy and makes me uncomfortable when making noise. My partner even complains that I move too quietly and startle her quite often.
To be more specific I prefer my portable devices to be always muted, which is where I consume most short-form content.
For longer content, like movies and shows, I'll generally not be consuming that portably. Though I still strongly prefer to wear headphones so that I'm the only person who hears it.
I don't have any hearing impairments but just prefer to have my devices muted at all times. I find this style of subtitles far easier to read and pace naturally. Rather than being unable to keep up I could read it much faster, even. My limit based on that speed reader site linked in another comment seems to be somewhere between 600 and 700 words per minute.
I read through it for the details.
It was net negative, requiring 2MW of power to maintain hydrogen plasma in a state analogous to fusion. The major achievement of this particular experiment was doing so without energies equivalent to a fusion reaction damaging the containing assembly.
It was purely a test/demonstration of the containment of fusion-like conditions.
Hunted a quematrice, for the glory of the Empire!