I think here we are reacting to the colossally dumb reasoning in the quote from the article. Astronauts had a few things to be excited about that gamers... won't
"trafficing more mercs = more desperate". ... yes, they are desperate, they are being invaded by a much bigger country with a huge military
If you are a contractor you can do both :)
looks like it does like 100 things, what features are you looking for in specific?
think of all the trashed, cluttered garages those sensors scan and photograph every day
does the fact that they promise 8 years support now change your mind at all?
Imagine how cold that dude must have been after that much time in the water
It should only be a few days, can you bump your submission?
This is the 1 out of 10 then, it's legit really impressive what they have done
exactly, putting aside the economic benefits this will bring, the ecological impact is huge, especially compared to air travel.
Shop off duty
Go eat 1 3/4 cups of straight sugar and come answer for yourself