so ive been on ritalin for a couple weeks now and im surprised how its like completely erased my urge to smoke havent even touched my vaporizer in over a week sry for the late update i didnt wanna talk about it until id been on it for a while it also did what i thought it would where im less restless throughout the day
i think my best bet is gonna be that i have to take a cert program so itll only be courses i actually care about heres hoping i can get all this setup by january online courses r gonna be an issue tho i suck at studying at home
back then i didnt have a bipolar diagnosis but when i was diagnosed i said ive mostly been dealing with it all my life. i was also on risperidone as a child so they knew i had some symptoms. ritalin was for adhd/tourette's syndrome.
thought some people might have experience at least
yeah thats why im afraid to start on ritalin again because idk if it was causing manic episodes or not
i've had symptoms since around 7 years old and been medicated since then, on ritalin and risperidone for adhd/tourettes
wasn't diagnosed with bipolar until like 25 but i noticed i don't function as well without ritalin as i did back in high school. thought i'd ask here in case i was just grasping at straws before i schedule a psychiatrist appointment for something that might negatively affect me
i think they removed this in 5.2 since it broke everything if you used it outside of the installer and was only there to test locales
in case bloomberg isnt loading for you heres an archive link [](bloomberg archive)
soon we will have windows 11 but with ltsc levels of bloat. cannot come soon enough!
ive gamed on just about every distro i've tried but i currently run debian sid its fine, linux is linux for the most part. kernel is recent enough so youre not gonna have to do any workarounds or anything.
ya i need to start meditating, its the one part of buddhism im really bad at practicing, instead i just try to make myself busy