Went ahead and created a fork which is deployed with Vercel just as the Nolan's was (live at https://pinafore-silk.vercel.app/). I enabled issues and plan to maintain it under the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4). Feel free to create an issue or submit patches at https://github.com/weex/pinafore
Just such a mess could be a great test case for C4. Super tempted to setup repos and get it to the point of where a maintainer can press the nice green merge button.
Is there a cowthink
Just be mindful of coercion paid or otherwise when voting takes place outside a polling-booth.
Not just open source but optional as well. It won't happen because it would hurt the bottom line but I'm glad it's being talked about.
More of a high-dimensional trust vector but I get your point. We won't know the consequences until we try it. Some of the potential advantages are scalability, transparency, optionality, automation, resistance to bots, and decentralization.
My theory is web-of-trust-based moderation can fix this but not on Twitter because they won't allow such an integration. So we should try it on the fediverse. One of these days I'll hook this kind of thing up to Mastodon (watch https://github.com/weex/wot-server if you're interested in knowing when that happens).
I suspect sponsorship on the fediverse is going to be better measured through something at the point of conversion rather than user surveillance. Promo codes instead of impressions.
Are deepfakes a problem? I hadn't noticed.
Just because this company has suffered challenges doesn't mean the efforts are slowing. Anyone interested should look into OpenVoiceOS and/or NeonOS and start hacking. Internally the Mark II is a Raspberry Pi 4 with 2gb of RAM. The case they made is nice but not essential for the hackerish state of the whole idea.