Was it just me that thought the purple one was most obvious?
Puzzle #649
Was it just me that thought the purple one was most obvious?
Puzzle #649
I guess I did things backwards this time around...
Puzzle #647
I still own an electronic Japanese dictionary but haven't used it in about 10 years. I have a dictionary app on my phone that I use nearly every day.
About the only thing the electronic version still does better than any of the apps I've tried, surprisingly, is handwritten kanji recognition, I think perhaps because it comes with a little stylus that makes it more precise.
The fact that dipshit won an academy award for editing just kills me inside a little more every time I think about it.
I guess maybe we have different requirements, but I built a similar controller using a 68HC05 when I was in college (yes I am that old) and it had plenty of cycles left to burn. This thing is nearly an order of magnitude faster than the microcontroller I used.
EDIT: I will grant you the I/O is pretty limited, but you could also offload some of the work to an external timer/accumulator
The original DOOM ran on a 80386 which was actually slower than or roughly equivalent to this controller. Recommended system specs were for a 486 though which was maybe 2-3x as fast.
A 32bit @24MHz CPU is extremely overpowered for those use cases.
Qi operates in the 87-205 KHz range. A power tool is several orders of magnitude slower.
Purple was the first one I saw, but I thought it must have been wrong so I ended up doing all the others first.
Puzzle #642
This has got to be the dumbest game ever. I managed to get to 27 away but ended up giving up after burning through 3 hints after that. The closer the connections got to the actual word, the less sense it makes.
I can only imagine this is using some kind of BS deep learning model to infer semantic similarity, because there are some extremely bizarre jumps.
8 minute Bluey episode
[12 hour advertisement for adult diapers]
8 minute Bluey episode