sitelen majuna pi kulupu ni li ni:
lape la, mi pilin sama.
mi pilin pona. sina pilin sama anu seme?
ni li epiku!
I'll volunteer to mod the community, along with the other queer Toki Pona community that was made, [email protected]. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that a comment that I made was what inspired the two communities to be made.
toki! mi sona ala e toki sina. "sina meli e mije" la, "mije ni li meli tonsi tan sina" anu "sina meli en sina mije" anu seme?
toki a! mi meli kin! mi olin kin e meli! mi wile toki pona mute a!
The two genders, bisexual and Gen Z
ni li epiku!
mi kokosila
btw, I saw that you're learning toki pona rn. would you be fine with me pointing out gramatical mistakes of yours to help, or would that be ike tawa sina?
mi wile pali. mi wile mani. wile ni li ike tawa mi. >:(
Lmfao, took me a sec