And that's why AAA games are all shiny graphics with little to no gameplay underneath.
Other valve games
Reminds me of windows 10 push..
Gamers nexus mentioned two decent brands (arctic and fractal) in their most recent video about Asus. around the 11:11 mark
But yes, sadly most popular companies seem to be garbage nowadays.
If it makes her happy and isn't hurting anyone else why do you care?
Be the change you want to see in the world
Me seeing a game try that bullshit after buying it and I refund it
4 for $6 where I am :(
"DDG likes to ignore parts of your query to get more results."
Wow sounds extremely useful and like a feature I want. I love searching for something specific and they are like "did you mean totally unrelated thing?"
They got sold (sorry for reddit link)
Use the fossify forks now (also on f-droid)
I have refunded games before when I went to install and got that bullshit because I missed it on the store page
The TTV LOL pro app works but it can be spotty sometimes.