The post description sounds like it means "Warframe", but I'd be really interested to see what the story would be like without Ballas, the single big bad orokin who personally caused so many of the events of the plot. I'm more interested in the aftermath of the orokin system than the villainy of one man.
unless im misunderstanding the problem, I don't think OP could get the fortuna kitguns given their current predicament.
Though, a sporelacer secondary would rip
My understanding is that certain frame abilities, such as Roar, Eclipse and Xata's Whisper are tagged as "damage boosting" abilities, and can only be subsumed onto other damage boosting abilities, specifically to prevent that interaction.
source info can be found at this section of the wiki:
As others might have explained, the "event" which lasts a couple weeks will grant access to the Kullervo prison island regardless of the current spiral. After the event is over, and on normal runs, the hold will only show up on certain spirals and not others, similar to Archarbor
Hey all! never been much of a poster, so I'm hesitant to put down too much of myself to start out. I've been passively invested in FOSS communities and technologies for a while, and curious about decentralized, federated services like mastodon for as long as I've known about them, but mastodon is too busy for me so I'm glad I've found myself here :3
I don't expect to be too proactive in the community, but when I do engage, I'll do my best to respond when responded to. The small community aspect, like the forum days of old others have mentioned in this thread, is compelling to me and I want to be true to it!
Call me wintermute, or winter im happy to respond to either :) Maybe I'll follow up with interests, pronouns if I warm up to putting myself out there, or maybe you'll just have to get to know me by the topics I can't help but weigh in on ;v
This is how I've gotten to MR26 on console and I expect to continue :p