There are multiple other relays running, and its pretty cheap nowadays, lowest I've seen is someone running a full network non-archive relay for 23usd/month
do you have a link by any change to where the dev is saying that? it seems very likely considering the lack of activity, but cant find anything on his profile or blog
hello from piefed!
PieFed represent! Highly recommended, the 'Topics' feature that aggregates multiple community is super valuable to me
So confused that skybridge is now getting all the media attention lol. Its been around for over a year and hasnt been updated for 3 months. It works fine, its just that nobody actually bothered to use it. Not really clear how 800 dollars is going to make a difference here.
They couldve just checked the repo lol.
Check out for the Catch-up algorithm, which allows you to fully customise and sort your feed.
For a real 'For You' algorithm that suggests posts by people you dont follow, check out SoraSNS on iOS. That has a fully customisable algorithm where you can completely customise the topics the algo recommends, as well as how likely each topic is to be recommend.
Piefed has this, and it's great!
It is worth noting that what they posted in their business plan in July 23 (1) differs quite a bit from what Jay Graber mentioned as their business plan in an interview with The Verge in Feb 24 (2), which again differs on quite a few points from what Jay Graber mentioned in a podcast with The Verge in March 24 (3).
(1): (2): (3):
Definitely both, but I'd probably separate the options? Think they can serve different purposes.
Example use case: blocking a NSFW instance to prevent seeing NSFW content, but if an account thats hosted on that instance would want to participate in SFW conversations on other instances that would be fine to see
Loops is not open source lmao, its just Dansup promising that he'll opensource it in an eventual future.
Saying "this platform is not actually open because the people running it are bad, come to these actually open platforms", and then proceed to list a closed-source platform is incredibly funny