So that's why my tooth fillings stopped getting Sesame Street and started getting phone calls!
So they lowered the earliest buying age from 21 to 18? You can join the military at 18 (not that I think that's a particularly sane thing either), so this makes a vague amount of sense.
Why are there comments here acting like they removed the age minimum entirely?
Did you know gaming
You can tell it's not a real CAD comic because it's actually funny and also isn't a novel disguised as a comic.
Group task planner, shared calendar, shitty wiki functionality, shitty file sharing with multi user real time collaboration and revision history... which works infinitely better if you go through the underlying sharepoint site for the group instead of the batshit Teams UI.
Navigate through the documents by going to the sharepoint site for the teams group. Much much easier, and better search functionality.
I have no earthly idea why Teams itself doesn't just send you there and insists on having its own shitty file browsing UI.
Look, I truly mean this as softly as possible, because Teams does not in any way make this shit easy, but you are using it wrong.
Teams groups should have Sharepoint sites (on Azure) backing them, and are meant to be interacted with through the Office 365 online SharePoint "portal" thing if you need more than you can do through the Teams UI.
Why in the hell Microsoft has both OneDrive and SharePoint is one of the universe's stupidest and most confounding mysteries.
And in my experience, links to the documents through sharepoint do auto redirect/correct/stay working if you move the files around within the same sharepoint site, as long as the person opening the link still has rights to open stuff in the new location. If they didn't, I have a large project with a lot of interlinked documents that would have gotten absolutely fucked.
OneDrive also tends to do really fucky shit with that top level folder structure. Like trying to save things in the root of my onedrive that isn't synced instead of in the synced documents folder I always save to. Anyway, I stay away from using OneDrive as itself as much as possible and just use the automatic folder sync/redirect and interact with my local drive like OneDrive doesn't exist and my documents folder is magically synced across multiple machines by a capricious spirit. Don't even get me started on how it handles fucking one note stuff stored in onedrive when you browse through the web ui. Just fucking madness.
But if you're concerned, just make the only thing in the general folder a link to where shit really is. Probably the easiest solution.
Nope, planner is still integrated into teams. My department uses it regularly.
Maybe the speech recognition has improved since I last gave automatic transcription a shot, but in my experience it was almost always laughably bad.
Hooray, more bullshit bills purely for the purposes of signalling!
Last I checked, they both get less than 10% of their funding from the government, and that amount is less than 0.5% of our military budget.
I'm not surprised by this, but it needs to be said: They need an efficiency checker for their efficiency checkers. In and of itself, trying to defund NPR and PBS is just wasting money and time on virtue signalling, or the right's equivalent. So doge is off to a great start, lol.