The senator is president of the party he is part of : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Independents_%E2%80%93_Republic_and_Territories_group
EDIT: Ah yes I get it. His party is affiliated with Horizons from Edouard Philippe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizons_(political_party)
Nevertheless, all the other comments have a point: Edouard Philippe is conservative, not extreme right.
The consulat in Strasbourg has been opened since 1866...
This is so hard to build something but so easy to destroy it.
Thanks for the post :) I want to start with Gog Linux gaming, but I am waiting for the Comet overlay support.
Then we will get the achievement notification in-game, it'll be just perfect 👌🏼
And the worst is: your saves are not even stored in your IOI account: A Steam save is not visible on EGS and vice versa.
It seems the "always online" feature is just for the leaderboards, alias the stuff I don't give a fuck about.
This is a shame because Hitman WOA is really great.
It looks like the one in Strasbourg, France.
I read somewhere that Librewolf is not recommended because they are a small team and slow to patch vulnerabilities / integrate security fixes from Firefox.
Is it true? (Sincere question)
Ma fille avait Lunii, la fabrique à histoires depuis ses 3 ans, et c'était sympathique. Mais elle a grandi vite et s'en est lassée. Vers 5-6 ans elle ne l'utilisait plus du tout.
Ce qu'elle préfère depuis plusieurs années, c'est les "Raconte moi des histoires" de mon enfance que j'ai trouvés sur le net 😂
Mmm they don't mention achievement support...
Heroic has some basic support with Comet, but I haven't tried it yet.
Here the doc for the record: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AMDGPU#Set_module_parameters_in_kernel_command_line
Note, they forgot to add to also blacklist the radeon module.
Une astuce sympa avec keepassxc : il est possible de "chaîner" des fichiers keepass entre eux.
Dans un fichier je fais une entrée avec pour URL "kbdx://chemin vers un autre fichier.kbdx". Dans mot de passe, je met le mot de passe de ce fichier.
Et voilà : en ouvrant la base de données, je vais sur cette entrée et je fais "Open URL" et il ouvre la seconde base de données sans demander de mot de passe.