
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Football players have crossed the limits of what they can handle. We can see that because we watch them play.

The planet has also crossed the limits of what it can handle, but most people are trying to ignore it, and keep eating meat when they like, flying when they like, and consuming as much as they like.

Climate change pollution keeps rising, every year, despite all the green energy infrastructure that’s been built. People don’t see the collapse of our survivable environment, like they see footballers collapsing because they’ve been overplayed.

Like with Qatar and the Saudis taking over the World Cup, the next COP talks on how to deal with climate change have been taken over by the USE so that they can make sure we aren’t doing what we need to do and deal with their business model.

Thought I’d remind everyone that a more important situation is also passing what it can handle. If we don’t reduce consumption seriously, now, all the scientists are saying we face disaster.

If we don’t stop being ‘entertained’ by the expansion of consumption created by the money spent by oil states, we will be living on a planet that we can’t survive on.

Hope that’s explained it to you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (10 children)

The environment, too. The planet is collapsing, but because it isn’t a televised sport, we don’t see it. Puts people being off being happy and buying things, if we saw what is happening and how rapidly it’s getting worse.

We can’t keep acting as though all that matters is more entertainment in our lives.

The entertainment being provided so we will buy lifestyles is not sustainable. We all know it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Is he being binned off? Why are you so certain about trusting the Daily Mail?

You’re acting like the transfer is actually happening right now, not like you’ve read a story in a paper which routinely makes things up.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

They’re hypocritical gossips.

Even when they say the right thing, they’re not worth trusting because they use it to try and obscure the fucking nonsense they make up to try and nudge opinion.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

It’s not a coincidence that it’s the same issue as climate change.

People say they want someone in authority to deal with the issue, but they won’t stop buying the lifestyle whose effects they say they want clamping down on.

And they know the people in power are there to make sure the excitement doesn’t stop, that everyone makes serious money, so they splurge on exciting spectacles for them to join in with. And those people have power because anyone who urges restraint is going against what the audience and keeps enthusiastically showing they want.

At some point, people have to walk away from the exciting lifestyle choices offered, and just boycott the offerings so that the people organising it are shown that they have no support from the public and can be replaced by people who will act seriously.

That’s why they and their well-rewarded broadcasters keep telling us that’s the one thing we shouldn’t be doing to express our discontent.

And people buy into it, because they’re addicted and don’t want to give up the lifestyle, even as it gets less and less enjoyable, and more and more obviously a disaster for everyone involved except the corrupt, who thrive on the opportunities as everything falls apart.

Football at this level is a key part of the End of the World Party that we’re funding and supporting. We all know it.

When are supporters going to deal with what they know they have to do to deny the corrupt their power, and stop joining in so that they lose their power?

We can’t keep expecting someone else to come and make the the problems go away. We know that’s not going to happen.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

They’ve had to make a statement, you aren’t writing a Philomena Crunk sketch.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

They’re creating smoke without any fire so that they can claim there’s no smoke without fire further down the line.

If only people cared enough to tackle the real problem-makers in our society, rather than rewarding them for creating pointless self-righteousness that means they don’t have to do anything serious, just keep acting out their playground games as adults.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

It’s always emotionally intense, though, it’s not surprising that he can switch from brutal mockery of people who attack decent society, to deep admiration of those who uphold its values.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

It’s the Scottish Fellani