Oh god, this reminds me, is there already a community dedicated to thalassophobia here on Lemmy?
joined 2 years ago
Thank you.
For real? What's this shit? I'm so glad I'm using Linux and I don't have to deal with this crap anymore
...Brazil low budget?
If it helps, you're not alone. I have the same problem and it's super annoying.
How is it compared to Devuan? I have never used it but I've always been curious about it.
I'm using Void too! I love it.
Well, I feel like you're talking directly to me so...here I am!
On reddit when I reminded to other users that this community existed and they could move here you insisted to clarify that you're not moving on Lemmy and reminding that the only official communities are on reddit and on discord. Now you change your mind and we should start cross posting, for what? So we can have that mod team who tried to discredit this place, instead of this community which is perfectly fine? Hell no, you made your decision, now you deal with it.