
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (6 children)

In all the years I've used the AUR I only heard of one pkg violating security, it was recognized pretty fast and was removed within hours from going up. AUR pkgs have history/track/votes on them, with thousands using them it is just as likely an official pkg having rogue code as an aur pkg.

Also, aur pkg are not really software written for the aur, it is software packaged for the arch ecosystem, and several other distros are using them.

@constantokra @pineapplelover

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

You can use sshd/sshfs to transfer files from a vm to another system, or even another vm.

You can shrink the installations partition to 90-95% used space, unmount the target, use dd --> tar.xz/lz/gz then the reverse to a new slightly larger partition, check enlarge whatever, configure, even the UUID of the partition transfers, so even grub.cfg/limine.cfg/lilo/syslinux all work just install in MBR or efi and reboot.

@d3Xt3r @governorkeagan

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I have used apt apt-get, apk, pacman, xbps, and I have never encountered an auto-update

Even dumb-gui like synaptics or pamac don't auto-update


[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I have never used such a system, I don't know of a single one, and I wouldn't use such a system.


[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Auto downloading and installing software is pretty much a violation of ethics in the unix ecosystem, pretty much anything that begins with Auto should be rejected.

But the general public wants the convenience and luxury of having things done by others without being bothered. Many distros competing with each other for lazy newcomers (ubuntu, mint, debian, manjaro, ...) they provide all those non-unix like utilities.

Lately it is getting worse, all sorts of telemtry is branded good


[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (10 children)

The greatest contribution of Nvidia to FOSS had been to keep many such thinking people hostage to proprietary solutions and out of our visibility.

You know, those that refuse to learn anything new, refuse to read documents, believe that by controlling input/output through terminal is inferior to gui-blindness.

@Nibodhika @Para_lyzed

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The home directory of the user is defined in /etc/passwd

Make sure it is the same as the one you have.

% sudo grpck
will check your group shadow gshadow passwd files for conflicts, it will tell you what you need to fix or if it is simple it will fix it for you.
If you get no output everything is OK

@kbal @pixelscript @NateSwift @Doctor_Rex

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Can containers boot on their own? Then they are hosts, if not they are guests.
Unless there is some kind of mutual 50/50 cohabitation of userspace with two different pid1s
pid 1 left pid 1 right

@cypherpunks @onlinepersona

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You have a very narrow perception of what a linux distribution/system should be, and that is a heavily commercial windows/macos alternative for people who deny reading.
That audience makes total crap popular!

Is that better now?


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

> and why they’re playing an increasingly big role in modern distros.

My modern distros, are you implying if a distro adopts flatpak use it is modern, if not it is antiquated?

Those are dangerous doctrines when foss is meant to provide choice, and it can be a choice to reject certain groups of software.


[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

What would js be able to do out of firejail or other such forms of containment?

I only allow js for very specific sites, and most that you can't do without I just do without. I am not that worried about security though, it is just an exercise.

I use seatd with wayland but it can be compiled without it too. My main issue is as I said, I can't just run "sudo -u user2 leafpad" for example, you say it is a security measure, I say it is an inconvenience.


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