1984 world is about a totalitarian socialist country inspired by nazi practice of propaganda. So I would not say just fascism. But fascism is clearly part of the book, the novel also show that this could occurs also in a socialist state.
Say you only listen to Wing as the greatest magnificent singer of all time. You are particularly in love with her interpretation of Beat It where she clearly outperforms the miserable attempt of Michael Jackson.
I guess with such an argument the discussion about your musical taste will not take long to switch to another subject.
And also, I really, love Wing because she sing without any other goal than to make other people feel good. No attempt to be a genius or taking herself too seriously.
matrix with element as client.
If you really care about privacy you can hist a matrix server without much resources needed.
S-expressions are a hack because the Lisp devs didn’t know how to make an actual compiler, and instead had the users write the syntax tree for them. (For legal reasons I am being facetious).
Just for anyone thinking you are serious; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-expression I love how S-expression existed.
McCarthy had planned to develop an automatic Lisp compiler (LISP 2) using M-expressions as the language syntax and S-expressions to describe the compiler's internal processes. Stephen B. Russell read the paper and suggested to him that S-expressions were a more convenient syntax. Although McCarthy disapproved of the idea, Russell and colleague Daniel J. Edwards hand-coded an interpreter program that could execute S-expressions.[2] This program was adopted by McCarthy's research group, establishing S-expressions as the dominant form of Lisp.
This article is awesome.
This put a light on Twin Peaks world and more generally David Lynch work. I think most of these delusions are present in his movies.
I would suggest Helvix or Helvim
Technically, sleep sort is O(n), so faster than the theoretical optimal sorting algorithm O(n.log n) ... not so bad ;)
Thanks a lot!
I wasn’t aware I could block an instance via my user’s setting in the web UI. But I don’t see anymore these bot generated communities in the feed now.
Thanks again!
Thank you! I didn’t realized I could simply block the bot and not every community.
I think we shouldn’t wait for the billionaires to disappear to make efforts.
Saying as long as billionaires are polluting I can still pollute as usual is simply dismissing our own responsibility.
Even though, I agree, billionaires should be the first to make the largest effort.
From (https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/124364-from)
Season 3 should be done by end of September.
Other suggestions in this thread are pretty good.
And one of my preferred show; Utopia (the UK version) warning it is unfinished, only two seasons but this is just a great show. Take care of not watching the cropped version. Also it is so cool this TV show aired before COVID19.