it’d be a neat idea if cars actually regularly had to interact with projectiles! y’know what cars DO have to interact ALL THE TIME?
it’d be a neat idea if cars actually regularly had to interact with projectiles! y’know what cars DO have to interact ALL THE TIME?
do folks do pc builds inside of old CRT cases? that seems like a niche that should exist.
there’s something so funny about them both being apple products, but the offending party getting the disrespect of “this stupid antique computer”
anytime a stellar product is released there’s a glut of shittier alternatives and replacements, sometimes from the same company even. higher ups notice REAL QUICK when they shorten their average upgrade cycle from 1-3 years to something like 5-10.
shit always loops back around to planned obsolescence. if you don’t do it, you will not succeed.
reply to the person who’s actually arguing with you, coward!
Lemmy and the Democrats
holy shit babe, you’re actually a clown
maybe he’d be more apt to agree if you suggested buying an older console, like an n64 even?
it’s a time steel! wowsers i fully misremembered
she’s one of the few people i would classify as literally evil